Faith and Food in Each Era
Main reference: Mt 24 (Jn 6)
What are the proper faith and food in each of the eras?
Starting from Adam’s era up to today, there were the eras of Adam, Noah, Moses, then Jesus’ First Coming; and there also is the era of Jesus’ Second Coming.
What is the proper faith in each of the eras? There are prophecies and events of fulfillment in each of the eras, and believing in them is faith.
There are two types of food: One is physical food, and the other is spiritual food. The food at the proper time (refer to Mt 24:45-47), which is the food that is given at the appointed time, is spiritual food and food of faith. The food at the proper time symbolizes the word that makes known the prophecy and its fulfilled reality at the time of the prophecy’s fulfillment.
Matthew 24, today’s main reference, was a prophecy that was yet to be fulfilled. At the time of this prophecy (Mt 24)’s fulfillment, the food that believers must eat is the word (prophecy) of Mt 24 and its physical fulfillment that appears according to its very word.
God fulfilled the promise He had made with Abraham (Gn 15). The food that believers must have eaten at that time was the word of its prophecy (promise) and its physical fulfillment. Since the prophecies spoken to the Old Testament prophets were fulfilled during Jesus’ era, the food that believers must have eaten in that era was the Old Testament prophecies and the physical fulfillment Jesus fulfilled during his time. In John 6, Jesus’ flesh and blood were described as the bread of life (food). The flesh and blood symbolize the revelation/fulfillment of the Old Testament, and they were the spiritual food that believers must have eaten at that time. Jesus promised the prophecies in the New Testament roughly 2,000 years ago, and today they have been fulfilled in the Republic of Korea. The food that believers must eat in this era is the New Testament prophecies and the physical fulfillment that has appeared in accordance with those prophecies.
This is the faith and food that God gives to believers in each era.
If it were physical food, any food can be eaten regardless of eras, but it is different with spiritual food. If one still testifies to the Old Testament prophecies and their fulfillment while the promised New Testament has been fulfilled, his testimonies cannot be the proper food at the time of the New Testament’s fulfillment. The proper food at the time of the New Testament’s fulfillment is the New Testament itself (prophecy) and its fulfilled reality. Today at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, one can attain salvation only by eating this food (the New Testament prophecies and their physical fulfillment).
Even if one has heard the testimony of the Old Testament and its fulfillment (figuratively eating that testimony), if he neither sees and hears the fulfillment of the New Testament, nor believes in it, he will be unable to eat the food given at the proper time. He will remain hungry. The food will pass by him as if he were in dark night. Since he will be unable to see and hear it, he will also be unable to believe it, and as a result, he will not acquire salvation.
Jesus’ testimony 2,000 years ago was regarding the fulfillment of the Old Testament (Jn 19:30). His testimony at the Second Coming is regarding the fulfillment of the New Testament (Rv 21:6). Just as the Old Testament was fulfilled, the New Testament will be all fulfilled at the Lord’s second coming. After Jesus breaks and opens (Rv 6, Rv 8) the seals of the sealed scroll (Rv 5), he allows one person (the promised pastor, New John) in Rv 10 to receive and eat it. Furthermore, after Jesus fulfills all of the New Testament (the events of the entire book of Revelation), he shows the entire fulfillment and make it known to this one person (Rv 22:8). Jesus chooses this person (a pastor), who has eaten the revealed scroll and has seen all the physical fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation, and sends him to the churches as his messenger to testify to them what he has seen and heard (Rv 22:16). Is it not the obligation of the saints to believe in these promises?
The faith that God wants us to have according to His will is to hear from the one who has received and eaten the opened scroll of which Jesus broke all the seven seals, and who has seen all the events of that opened scroll. The Scripture states that it is only those who do this will that can go to heaven (Mt 7:21). Those who do not act according to this will cannot enter into heaven.
Everyone who does not hear and eat this food of the physical fulfillment of Revelation in the New Testament will hunger, and they will be unable to believe in the fulfillment because they have neither heard it nor seen it.
What is God’s objective in fulfilling the book of Revelation? It is to create God’s kingdom, priests, and the great multitude in white. Since Adam’s fall, there has not been God’s true kingdom, pastors, and people on this earth. Adam’s world, Noah’s world, Moses’ world all broke the covenants and became corrupt, and thus, they got destroyed. If Adam, or Noah, or the Israelites of Moses had kept the covenants with God, then God would not have needed to promise another era (Hos 6:7; Ex 19:5-6; Jer 31:31-32). But God promised in Rv 1:5-6, “… freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father …” This is the objective of Revelation.
The Twelve Tribes God promised in Revelation is the kingdom of the promise. They are the priests and the white multitude. Whoever does not belong to the Twelve Tribes will be unable to attain salvation, not even a single person.
Why do people not believe in the covenant, just like Adam and the Physical Israelites (Hos 6:7)?
Believing in the physical fulfillment of Revelation, the promise of the New Testament, and the words of Jesus’ messenger who speaks on behalf of Jesus, is the same as believing in Jesus’ words (refer to Rv 1:1-3). Those who believe will inherit the kingdom of heaven and eternal life.